February 3 | Jack Keene, James B. Duke Professor, Duke University Coordination of gene expression by RNA-binding proteins and small RNAs Host: R. Anderson |
February 10 | Dr. Mike Schwartz, University of Colorado-Boulder Howard Hughes Medical Institute Postdoctoral Associate Synthetic extracellular matrix: A new tool for studying complex biological processes through the design of highly controlled 3-dimensional microenvironments Hosts: R. Tibbetts/Kevin Eliceri |
February 24 | Dr. Tracy Vargo-Gogola P190-B RhoGAP regulates the microenvironmental during mammary gland development and cancer progression Host: P. Keely |
March 3 | Dr. Andrew Ulijasz, Postdoctoral Fellow, UW-Madison, Genetics Dept. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic-like Signal Transduction Merge to Regulate Virulence in Streptococcus pneumoniae Host: Tibberts or Weisblum |
March 24 | Randal Tibbetts, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
April 7 | Dr. Crislyn D’Souza-Schorey, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame, Dept. of Biological Sciences Modeling epithelial morphogenesis and tumor cell invasion Host: R. Anderson |
April 14 | Dr. George Q. Daley, PhD, Professor, Harvard Medical School and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Prospects for Cell Therapies From iPS Cells Host: D. Mosher |
April 21
Microbial Sciences Building, 1550 Linden Drive |
Dr. Tsung-Ping Su, PhD – NIH, National Institutes on Drug Abuse ER Stress Signaling and Chaperons in Diseases: A new kid on the block Host: A. Ruoho |
April 28 | Dr. Ryo Sakasai, Research Associate, Pharmacology Dept., UW-Madison From R. Tibbetts lab |
May 5 | Scott Soderling, PhD, Duke University Medical Center, Department of Cell Biology Spatial Regulation of Rho GTPase Activating Proteins Host: R. Anderson |
May 12 | Mark Burkard, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine/Hematology-Oncology, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison Host: R. Tibbetts |
May 19 | Dr. Randy Blakely, PhD, Allan D. Bass Professor of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University Dopamine in Flux: Insights into Attention Deficit Disorder from Rare Mutations in Dopamine Transporters Host: R. Ruoho |
*Sponsored by the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Program **Sponsored jointly by the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Program and the Karl Beyer Visiting Professorship |