A interdisplinary team of UW-Madison researchers – including MCP faculty members Shigeki Miyamoto and David Beebe, as well as MCP alumnus Chorom Pak – recently developed an innovative model for the study of multiple myeloma …
In The News
Judith Kimble to Chair the President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science
Judith Kimble, professor of biochemistry at UW-Madison and a faculty mentor for the Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Training Program, has been selected by President Obama to chair the selection committee for the National Medal of …
Raines lab identifies connection between two promising cancer treatment strategies
An important study led by the laboratory of MCP Faculty Member Dr. Ronald Raines was published in the latest issue of ACS Central Science, a journal of the American Chemical Society. The experiment identified Globo H, a …
Emery Bresnick and Team of UW-Madison Scientists Identify Key Genes in Blood Cell Development
A study that was published online this week by Molecular Cell was the work of an interdisciplinary team of UW-Madison Scientists, building largely off the work of MCP Faculty Member Dr. Emery Bresnick. The Bresnick lab has …
Dr. Baron Chanda Awarded Romnes Faculty Fellowship
MCP Faculty Member, Baron Chanda, from the Department of Neuroscience, was one of nine UW-Madison faculty members recently selected to receive a Romnes Faculty Fellowship. This award, given out by the Graduate School, recognizes exceptional young faculty …
Graduate Student Khoa Tran Leads Featured Study
2-12-15: MCP Graduate Student Khoa Tran, in the laboratory of Dr. Rupa Sridharan (Dept. of Cell & Regenerative Biology) was the lead author on a paper recently published in Nature Communications, “Collaborative rewiring of the pluripotency …