Ka Young Chung, PhD
Position title: Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan University Seoul, South Korea
Email: kychung2@gmail.com
Phone: Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Walker
Graduation: 05/2008
Research Interest: Pharmaceuticals

Alumni News
- March 2012: Is now employed at Sungkyunkwan University, a private university in Seoul, as an Assistant Professor.
- July 2011: At Stanford University, introduced a new primary cell culture technique and apparatus to the lab by consulting Fisher Scientific Corporation; developed and improved mass spectrometry techniques by collaborating with Stanford Mass Spectrometry Facility; and served as lab representative in the Department Seminar Organizing committee.
- Awards: American Lung Association Senior Scientist Fellowship.
- Future position: Starting in March 2012, KaYoung will have a faculty position at the School of Pharmacy at CHA Medical University in Seoul, South Korea.
- Lee S, Lee CY, Kim DJ, Hong DJ, Lee JG,Chung KY. Pathologic correlation of serum carcinoembryonic antigen and cytokeratin 19 fragment in resected nonsmall cell lung cancer. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013 Jun;46(3):192-6. doi: 10.5090/kjtcs.2013.46.3.192. Epub 2013 Jun 5.
- Chung KY, Day PW, Vélez-Ruiz G, Sunahara RK, and Kobilka BK. Identification of GPCR-interacting cytosolic proteins using HDL particles and mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach. PloS One. 2013;8:e54942. Epub 2013 Jan 25. PMCID: PMC3556083
- Kim K, Bae ON, Lim KM, Noh JY, Kang S, Chung KY, and Chung JH. Novel anti-platelet activity of protocataechuic acid through inhibition of high shear stress-induced aggregatoin. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2012:343(3):704-11.
- Chung KY, Kim TH, Manglik A, Alvares R, Kobilka BK, and Prosser RS. The role of detergents on conformational exchange of a G protein-coulpled receptor. J Biol Chem. 2012:287(43):36305-11.
- Kang M, Walker JW, and Chung KY. Endothelin receptor overexpression alters diastolic function in cultured rat ventricular myocytes. Biomol Ther. 2012:20(4):386-392.
- Kang M and Chung KY. PKC-epsilon mediates multiple endothelin-1 actions on systolic Ca2+ and contractility in ventricular myocytes. Biochem Biophy Res Commun. 2012:423(3):600-5.
- Chung KY, Rasmussen SG, Liu T, Li S, DeVree BT, Chae PS, Calinski D, Kobilka BK, Woods VL Jr, and Sunahara RK. Conformational changes in the G protein Gs induced by the beta2 adrenergic receptor. Nature. 2011:477(7366):611-5.(2012 Nobel Chemistry)
- Rasmussen SG, DeVree BT, Zou Y, Kruse AC,Chung KY, Kobilka TS, Thian FS, Chae PS, Pardon E, Calinski D, Mathiesen JM, Shah ST, Lyons JA, Caffrey M, Gellman SH, Steyaert J, Skiniotis G, Weis WI, Sunahara RK, and Kobilka BK. Crystal structure of the beta2 adrenergic receptor-Gs protein complex. Nature. 2011:477(7366):549-55.(2012 Nobel Chemistry)
- Westfield GH, Rasmussen SG, Su M, Dutta S, DeVree BT,Chung KY, Calinski D, Velez-Ruiz G, Oleskie AN, Pardon E, Chae PS, Liu T, Li S, Woods VL Jr, Steyaert J, Kobilka BK, Sunahara RK, and Skiniotis G. Structural flexibility of the G{alpha}s {alpha}-helical domain in the {beta}2-adrenoceptor Gs complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011:108(38):16086-91.(2012 Nobel Chemistry)
- Lim KM, Kim JS, Bae ON, Noh JY, Chung SM,Chung KY, and Chung JH. Co-oxidation-mediated xenobiotic activation and cytotoxicity by 12-lipoxygenase in intact platelets. Toxicology. 2008:247(2-3):154-60.
- Chung KY, Kang M and Walker JW. Contractile regulation via ETA requires intact T-tubules in adult rat ventricular myocytes. Am J Physiology, 2008:294(5):H2391-9.
- Kang M, Chung KYand Walker JW. G-protein coupled receptor signaling in myocardium: not for the faint of heart. Physiology (Bethesda). 2007:22:174-84.
- Chung KY and Walker JW. Interaction and inhibitory cross-talk between endothelin and ErbB receptors in the adult heart. Mol Pharmacol. 2007:71(6):1494-502.
- Chung KY, Lim KM, Chung SM, Lee MY, Noh JY, Bae ON and Chung JH. Shear stress-induced pH increase in plasma is mediated by a decrease in P(CO(2)): the increase in pH enhances shear stress-induced P-selectin expression in platelets. Platelets. 2006:17(3):127-33.
- Chung KY, Lee SJ, Chung SM, Lee MY, Bae ON and Chung JH. Generation of free radical by interaction of iron with thiols in human plasma and its possible significance. Thromb Res. 2005:116(2):157-64.
- Bae ON, Lee JY,Chung GY, Chung SM, Lee MY, Yun YP, Kim YC, Moon CK and Chung JH. Enhanced menadione cytotoxicity in platelets isolated from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Thromb Res. 2003:111(3):179-83.