Jason (Haichuan) Duan, PhD

Position title: Software Development Engineer, Amazon, Seattle, WA

Email: hduan@u.washington.edu

Phone: Advisor: Dr. Colin Jefcoate

Graduation: 03/2007
Research Interest: Post-transcriptional regulation of the Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein (StAR) gene and its link to cholesterol metabolism

Haichuan Duan

Alumni News

  • About Haichuan Duan’s research: Highly motivated researcher with strong background in pharmacokinetics/ADME, pharmacology, signal transduction and molecular/cellular biology. Years of hands-on experience with in vitro cell culture and in vivo mouse models in pharmacokinetic research. Highly analytical with strong problem-solving skills and independent research capabilities. Demonstrate excellent leadership in steering projects and the ability to collaborate with peer scientists.
  • Specialties: Pharmacokinetics, ADME, Drug Transporter, Bioassay Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Transgenic Mice, Cell Culture
