E. Camilla Forsberg, PhD

Position title: Professor, Biomolecular Engineering, Baskin School of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz

Email: cforsberg@soe.ucsc.edu

Phone: Advisor: Dr. Emery Bresnick

Graduation: 05/2001
Research Interest: Biology of hematopoietic stem cells

Camilla Forsberg

Alumni News

  • Camilla Forsberg is currently employed in the Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California-Santa Cruz. Her interests include hematopoietic stem cells, transcriptional regulation, chromatin, blood cell development, cell surface receptors, and genomics. Current and future classes of Camilla’s include a Seminar on Blood Cell Development, Engineering Stem Cells, and Stem Cell Biology.
  • Research Areas:
    • Chromatin blood cell development
    • Cell surface receptions
    • Genomics
