Ting Fu, PhD
Position title: Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy
Email: ting.fu@wisc.edu
Phone: 608-890-3508
5113 Rennebohm Hall
777 Highland Ave

Research Interests
The Fu laboratory is mainly Study how nuclear receptors sense environmental clues and regulate Gastrointestinal (GI) homeostasis in healthy and disease states. Specifically, I am interested in how dietary and microbial induced bile acids are sensed by Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) and dynamically affect intestinal development, differentiation and inflammation, focusing on colorectal cancer (CRC) and intestinal bowel disease (IBD).
Honors & Awards
2020: AACR Scholar-in-Training Awards
2019: Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation IBD Visiting Scholar Fellowship
2017: Kern Lipid Conference Early Career Investigator Awards
2017-2019: Hewitt foundation for Medical Research Postdoc Fellowship Award
2016: Salk Alumni Fellowship Award
2015: Outstanding PhD Thesis Award
Selected Publications
- Ting Fu, Sally Coulter, Eiji Yoshihara, Tae Gyu Oh, Sungsoon Fang, Fritz Cayabyab, Qiyun Zhu, Michael Downes*, Ronald M. Evans*, et al. FXR regulates intestinal stem cell proliferation. VOLUME 176, ISSUE 5, P1098-1112.E18, FEBRUARY 21, 2019, Cell.
- Tae Gyu Oh, Susy Kim, Cyrielle Caussy, Ting Fu,…Michael R. Downes, Ronald M. Evans,* and Rohit Loomba,*et al. A Universal Gut Microbiome-Derived Signature for Predicting NAFLD-Cirrhosis Externally Validated with Geographically Independent Cohorts. Cell metabolism.
- Robert A. Quinn, Alexey V. Melnik, Alison Vrbanac, Ting Fu, …Ronald M. Evans, Victor Nizet, Rob Knight, and Pieter C. Dorrestein, et al. Global Chemical Impacts of the Microbiome Include Unique Bile Acid Conjugates that Stimulate FXR. Nature,2020 Mar; 579(7797):123-129.
- Ting Fu*, Youngchea Kim*, Dong-Hyun Kim, Sunmi Seok, Kelly Suino-Powell, H. Eric Xu, Byron Kemper and Jongsook Kim Kemper. FXR primes the liver for intestinal FGF15 signaling by transient induction of βklotho. Molecular Endocrinology, 2015 Oct 23; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/me.2015-1226
- Sunmi Seok*, Ting Fu*, Sung-E Choi, Yang Li, Rong Zhu, Subodh Kumar, Xiaoxiao Sun, Gyesoon Yoon, Yup Kang, Wenxuan Zhong, Jian Ma, Byron Kemper, and Jongsook Kim Kemper. Transcriptional regulation of autophagy by an FXR/CREB1 axis. Nature, 516, 108–111, 2014.
- Ting Fu, Sunmi Seok, Sung-E Choi, Zhang Huang, Kelly Suino-Powell, H. Eric Xu, Byron Kemper, and Jongsook Kim Kemper. MiR-34a inhibits beige and brown fat formation in obesity in part by suppressing adipocyte FGF21 signaling and SIRT1 function. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2014, Nov 15; 34(22):4130-42
- SungE Choi, Ting Fu, Sunmi Seok, Dong-Hyun Kim, Eunkyung Yu, Kwan-woo Lee, Yup Kang, Xiaoling Li, Byron Kemper, Jongsook Kim Kemper. Elevated microRNA-34a in obesity reduces NAD+ levels and SIRT1 activity by directly targeting NAMPT. Aging Cell. 2013 Dec; 12(6):1062-72.
- Ting Fu, SungE Choi, Dong-Hyun Kim, Sunmi Seok, Kelly Suino-Powell, H. Eric Xu, and Jongsook Kim Kemper. Aberrantly elevated miR-34a in obesity attenuates hepatic responses to FGF19 by targeting a membrane coreceptor β-Klotho. PNAS, 2012 Oct 2; 109(40):16137-42.