Brian Hoffmann, PhD

Position title: Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology Biology and Bioengineering Center Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI


Phone: Advisor: Dr. Deane Mosher

Graduation: 08/2010
Research Interest: Postdoc Industry Consultants (PICO): A biotechnology initiative of MCW

Brian Hoffmann


  • Proficient in Mass Spectrometry and analysis software… specifically LTQ, LTQ-FT ICR, Orbitrap, and MALDI-TOF/TOF technologies. Analysis software includes Xcalibur, BioWorks/Sequest, Mascot, and Protein Prospector, among others.
  • Proficient in high performance and fast performance liquid chromatography among other purification methodologies
  • Molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, sequence homology modeling, and cell culture experience, fluorescence microscopy
  • Dr. Brian Hoffmann receives Excellence in Science Award


  • T32 NIH Postdoctoral Fellow Training Grant at MCW Biotechnology and Bioengineering Center… 2010-Present
  • Recipient of ‘Thrombospondins and Extracellular Matrice Proteins’ FASEB Conference Travel Award… 2010
