Reema Jasuja, PhD

Position title: Principal Scientist, Pfizer, Cambridge, MA


Phone: Advisor: Dr. Daniel Greenspan

Graduation: 07/2006
Research Interest: Hemostasis and thrombosis

Reema Jasuja

Alumni News

  • Working at Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company. Previously she was an Instructor in Medicine and a Postdoc at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “I investigated early events during thrombus formation using in vivo models of mouse microvascular injury. I have characterized the role of protein disulfide isomerase during thrombus formation in vivo and identified extracellular PDI as a tractable drug target for anticoagulant therapy.”


  • DeFuria J, Belkina AC, Jagannathan-Bogdan M, Snyder-Cappione J, Carr JD, Nersesova YR, Markham D, Strissel KJ, Watkins AA, Zhu M, Allen J, Bouchard J, Toraldo G, Jasuja R, Obin MS, McDonnell ME, Apovian C, Denis GV, and Nikolajczyk BS (2013). B cells promote inflammation in obesity and type 2 diabetes through regulation of T-cell function and an inflammatory cytokine profile. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:5133-5138. PMID:23479618
  • Jasuja R, Passam FH, Kennedy DR, Kim SH, van Hessem L, Lin L, Bowley SR, Joshi SS, Dilks JR, Furie B, Furie BC, and Flaumenhaft R (2012). Protein disulfide isomerase inhibitors constitute a new class of antithrombotic agents. J Clin Invest. 122:2104-2113. PMCID: PMC3366406
  • Bellido-Martín L, Chen V, Jasuja R, Furie B, and Furie BC (2011). Imaging fibrin formation and platelet and endothelial cell activation in vivo. Thromb Haemost. 105:776-782. Epub 2011 Mar 24. Review. PMID:21437353
  • Atkinson BT, Jasuja R, Chen VM, Nandivada P, Furie B, and Furie BC. (2010)Laser-induced endothelial cell activation supports fibrin formation. Blood. 116:4675-4683. PMCID: PMC2996123
  • Jasuja R, Furie B, and Furie BC (2010). Endothelium-derived but not platelet-derived protein disulfide isomerase is required for thrombus formation in vivo.Blood. 116:4665-4674. PMCID: PMC2996122
  • Jasuja R, Ge G, Voss NG, Lyman-Gingerich J, Branam AM, Pelegri FJ, and Greenspan DS (2007). Bone morphogenetic protein 1 prodomain specifically binds and regulates signaling by bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4. J Biol Chem. 282:9053-9062. PMID:17255107
  • Jasuja R, Voss N, Ge G, Hoffman GG, Lyman-Gingerich J, Pelegri F, and Greenspan DS (2006). bmp1 and mini fin are functionally redundant in regulating formation of the zebrafish dorsoventral axis. Mech Dev. 123:548-558.PDF PMID:16824737