Lloyd Lam, PhD
Position title: Senior Scientist III, AbbVie, Greater Chicago Area
Email: lloyd.lam@abbott.com
Phone: Advisor: Dr. Emery Bresnick
Graduation: 11/1999
Alumni News
- Senior Scientisit III at Abbvie. AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) is a global, research-based biopharmaceutical company formed in 2013 following separation from Abbott.
- Cancer Biology, Functional Genomics, Drug Discovery, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Cell Culture, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genomics, Assay Development, Lifesciences, Immunology, Biotechnology, qPCR, In Vitro
- Souers AJ, Leverson JD, Boghaert ER, Ackler SL, Catron ND, Chen J, Dayton BD, Ding H, Enschede SH, Fairbrother WJ, Huang DC, Hymowitz SG, Jin S, Khaw SL, Kovar PJ, and Lam LT, et al. (2013). ABT-199, a potent and selective BCL-2 inhibitor, achieves antitumor activity while sparing platelets. Nat Med. 19:202-8. Epub 2013 Jan 6. PMID: 23291630 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
- Lam LT, Zhang H, and Chyla B (2012). Biomarkers of Therapeutic Response to BCL2 Antagonists in Cancer. Mol Diagn Ther. 2012 Sep 29. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23023732
- Annunziata CM, Hernandez L, Davis RE, Zingone A, Lamy L, Lam LT, Hurt EM, Shaffer AL, Kuehl WM, and Staudt LM (2011). A mechanistic rationale for MEK inhibitor therapy in myeloma based on blockade of MAF oncogene expression.Blood. 117:2396-2404. Epub 2010 Dec 16. PMCID: PMC3062408
- Zhang H, Guttikonda S, Roberts L, Uziel T, Semizarov D, Elmore SW, Leverson JD, and Lam LT (2011). Mcl-1 is critical for survival in a subgroup of non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines. Oncogene. 30:1963-1968. PMID:21132008
- Lam LT, Lu X, Zhang H, Lesniewski R, Rosenberg S, and Semizarov D (2010).A microRNA screen to identify modulators of sensitivity to BCL2 inhibitor ABT-263 (navitoclax). Mol Cancer Ther. 9:2943-2950. PMID:20829195
- Lam LT, Davis RE, Ngo VN, Wright G, Lenz G, Zhao H, Yu X, Dang L, and Staudt LM (2008). Compensatory IKKa activation of classical NF-kB signaling during IKKb inhibition identified by an RNA interference sensitization screen. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105:20798-20803. PMCID: PMC264958
- Lenz G, Wright GW, Emre T, Kohlhammer H, Dave SS, Davis RE, Carty S, Lam LT, Shaffer AL, Xiao W, Powell J, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Muller-Hermelink HK, Gascoyne RD, Connors J, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Delabie J, Smeland EB, Rimsza L, Fisher RI, Weisenburger DD, Chan, WC, and Staudt LM (2008). Molecular subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma arise by distinct genetic pathways. PNAS. 105:13520-13525. PMCID: PMC2533222
- Lenz G, Davis RE, Ngo VN, Lam LT, George TC, Wright GW, Dave SS, Zhao H, Xu W, Rosenwald A, Muller-Hermelink HK, Gascoyne RD, Connors J, Rimsza L, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Delabie J, Smeland EB, Fisher RI, Chan WC, and Staudt LM (2008). The Leukemia Lymphoma Molecular Profiling Project Oncogenic CARD11 mutations in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Science. 319:1676-1679.
- Lam LT, Wright G, Davis RE, Lenz G, Farinha P, Dang L, Chan JW, Rosenwald A, Gascoyne RD, and Staudt LM (2008). Cooperative signaling through the STAT3 and NF-kappaB pathways in subtypes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Blood. 111:3301-3713. PMCID: PMC2275028
- Wan F, Anderson DE, Barnitz RA, Snow A, Bidere N, Zheng L, Hegde V, Lam LT, Staudt LM, Levens D, Deutsch WA, Lenardo MJ (2007). Ribosomal protein S3: a KH domain subunit in NF-kappaB complexes that mediates selective gene regulation. Cell. 131:927-939. PMID 18045535
- Dave SS, Fu K, Wright GW, and Lam LT, et. al (2006). Lymphoma/Leukemia Molecular Profiling Project. Molecular diagnosis of Burkitt’s lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 354:2431-42. PDF PMID 16760443
- Shaffer AL, Wright G, Yang L, Powell J, Ngo V, Lamy L, Lam LT, Davis RE, and Staudt LM (2006). A library of gene expression signatures to illuminate normal and pathological lymphoid biology. Immunol Rev. 210:67-85. PDF PMID 16623765
- Older publications can be found on PubMed.