Katarzyna Modzelewska, PhD
Position title: Associate Director of Preclinical Research Resource, Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah
Email: kmodzelewska@gmail.com
Phone: Advisor: Dr. Patricia Keely
Graduation: 05/2006
Alumni News
- 2016: Dr. Modzelewska became Associate Director of Preclinical Research Resource at the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah
- 2016: An image from Dr. Modzelewska and her colleagues made the cover for the October 2016 issue of Cell Reports: http://www.cell.com/cell-reports/issue?pii=S2211-1247(15)X0042-8
- 2008: Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Training Program Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, February 2008- January 2010.
- Casey, M. J., Modzelewska, K., Anderson, D., Goodman, J., Boer, E. F., Jimenez, L., Grossman, D., Stewart, R. A. Transplantation of Zebrafish Pediatric Brain Tumors into Immune-competent Hosts for Long-term Study of Tumor Cell Behavior and Drug Response. J. Vis. Exp. (123), e55712, doi:10.3791/55712 (2017).
- Modzelewska K, Boer EF, Mosbruger TL, Picard D, Anderson D, Miles RR, Kroll M, Oslund W, Pysher TJ, Schiffman JD, Jensen R, Jette CA, Huang A, Stewart RA. MEK. Inhibitors Reverse Growth of Embryonal Brain Tumors Derived from Oligoneural
Precursor Cells. Cell Rep. 2016 Oct 25;17(5):1255-1264. doi:
10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.081. PubMed PMID: 27783941. - Modzelewska K, Lauritzen A, Hasenoeder S, Brown L, Georgiou J, and Moghal N. (2013) Neurons Refine the Caenorhabditis elegans Body Plan by Directing Axial Patterning by Wnts. PLoS Biol. 11(1):e1001465. Epub 2013 Jan 8. PMCID: PMC353994
- LaBarbera DV, Modzelewska K, Glazar AI, Gray PD, Kaur M, Liu T, Grossman D, Harper MK, Kuwada SK, Moghal N, and Ireland CM (2009). The marine alkaloid naamidine A promotes caspase-dependent apoptosis in tumor cells. Anticancer Drugs. 20:425-436. PMID:19369860
- Modzelewska K, Elgort MG, Huang J, Jongeward G, Lauritzen A, Yoon CH, Sternberg PW, and Moghal N (2007). An activating mutation in sos-1 identifies its Dbl domain as a critical inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway during Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development. Mol Cell Biol. 27:3695-3707. PMCID: PMC1899997
- Modzelewska K, Newman LP, Desai R, and Keely PJ (2006). Ack1 mediates Cdc42-dependent cell migration and signaling to p130Cas. J Biol Chem. 281:37527-35. PDF PMID:17038317
- Wozniak MA, Modzelewska K, Kwong L, and Keely PJ (2004). Focal adhesion regulation of cell behavior. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1692:103-19. PDFPMID:15246682