Yukiko Muroi, PhD

Position title: Instrumental Scientist Product Performance Evaluation, L’Oréal, Kanagawa, Japan

Email: ymuroi@jhu.edu

Phone: Advisor: Dr. Meyer Jackson

Graduation: 05/2006

Yukiko Muroi


-Research scientist in the field of pharmacology and neuroscience.
-Extensive experience in electrophysiology (two-electrode, cut-open oocyte and patch clamp)
-Strong background in ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels
-Investigated the relationships of drugs and target proteins by using fluorescence techniques
-Training in organic synthetic technique, including characterization of compounds
-Supervising experience to undergraduate/graduate students/postdoc for various scientific skills
-Extensive experience with public speaking
-Interested in research/development position in an industry setting

Languages: Japanese and English


  • Fluorescence Microscopy, Site-directed Mutagenesis, Cell Culture
  • PCR, HPLC, NMR, Mass Spectrometry, Electrophysiology
  • MALDI-TOF, Molecular Biology, TransfectionTissue Culture
  • Immunohistochemistry, Animal Models, Chromatography
  • Pharmacology, Molecular Cloning, Biophysics Spectroscopy
  • Organic Synthesis, qPCR, Animal Behavior
