Erik Peden, PhD

Position title: Research Associate, Massachusetts General Hospital

Phone: Advisor: Dr. Maureen Barr

Graduation: 12/2004

Placeholder headshot


  • Chen SK, Tvrdik P, Peden E, Cho S, Wu S, Spangrude G, and Capecchi MR (2010). Hematopoietic origin of pathological grooming in Hoxb8 mutant mice.Cell. 141:775-85. PMCID: PMC2894573
  • Knobel KM, Peden EM, and Barr MM (2008). Distinct protein domains regulate ciliary targeting and function of C. elegans PKD-2. Exp Cell Res. 314:825-833. Epub 2007 Nov 1. PMCID: PMC2275051
  • Peden EM and Barr MM (2005). KLP-6 is a cilia-specific kinesin required for polycystin ciliary localization and male mating behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegan. Curr Biol. 5:394-404. PDF PMID:15753033
  • Davare MA, Avdonin V, Hall DD, Peden EM, Burette A, Weinberg RJ, Horne MC, Hoshi T, and Hell JW (2001). A b2 adrenergic receptor-signaling complex assembled with the Ca2+ channel Ca(v)1.2. Science. 293:98-101. PDFPMID:11441182
  • Peden EM and Sweazey RD (1999). Chemical stimulation of the larynogpharynx increases Fos-like immunoreactivity in the rat hypothalamus and amygdala. Brain Res Bull. 48:629-639. PDF PMID:1038684