Ping Wang, PhD

Position title: Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine


Phone: Advisor: Dr. Edwin Chapman

Graduation: 04/2005
Research Interest: Dr. Wang's research interests include improving analytic methods for precision disease diagnosis and prognosis by developing next-generation point of care devices with novel sensors, materials and microfluidics.

Ping Wang


  • Ying Li, Uvaraj Uddayasankar, Bangshun He, Ping Wang* and Lidong Qin* * equal corresponding authors: Fast, Sensitive and Quantitative Point-of-care Platform for the Assessment of Drugs of Abuse in Urine, Serum and Whole Blood. Analytical Chemistry July 2017.
  • Wilburn C.R., Bernard D.W., Zieske A.W, Andrieni J., Miller T. and Wang P. : The Prevalence and Role of Hemoglobin Variants in Biometric Screening of a Multiethnic Population: One Large Health System’s experience. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 147(6): 589-95, June 2017.
  • Li-Ju Wang, Ping Wang, Lei Li: Infectious Disease Diagnostics on Smartphone Optosensing Platforms. Biodefense World Summit, Alexandria, VA June 2017.
  • Wang, P: What the Clinical Laboratorians Should Do in Response to Extremely Low Hemoglobin A1c Results. Laboratory Medicine Page: In Press, September 2016.
  • Song Y., Wang Y., Qi W., Li Y., Xuan J., Wang P*., Qin L* *Equal corresponding authors: Integrative volumetric bar-chart chip for rapid and quantitative point-of-care detection of myocardial infarction biomarker. Lab on a Chip 16(15): 2955-62, August 2016.
  • Cao Z. and Wang P: Have You Stress Tested Your Assay? Practical Laboratory Medicine 5: 21-23, Aug 2016 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.plabm.2016.03.001.
  • Wilburn C and Wang P: A Retrospective Review of Paraneoplastic Panel Utilization at a Tertiary Care Academic Hospital to Determine Predictors of Diagnostic Yield. The Annual Meeting of American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA Jul/Aug 2016 Notes: Accepted abstract.
  • Wilburn C, Yi X, and Wang P: Development of a Simplified Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) Method for Plasma Propofol Quantitation. The Annual Meeting of American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA Jul/Aug 2016 Notes: Accepted abstract.
  • Cao Z, Dahal R, Wang P, Petersen J, Okorodudu A: Skin Rash and Microscopic Hematuria in a 10-year-old Caucasian Male. Laboratory Medicine 47(2): 158-62, May 2016 Notes: doi:
  • Rhim J., Luo X., Gao D., Xu X., Zhou T., Li F., Wang P., Wong S., and Xia X: Cell type-dependent Erk-Akt pathway crosstalk regulates the proliferation of fetal neural progenitor cells. Sci Rep 6: 26547, May 2016.