2008 Signal Transduction Research Training Symposium

April 8, 2008 : Fluno Center, Madison, WI

Keynote Speaker:
“Signaling Pathways Defining Metastatic Tumor Cell Behavior In Vivo”
Dr. John Condeelis
Professor and Co-Chairman
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM)

John Condeelis is Professor and co-Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM). He is the director of the Cancer Center program “Tumor microenvironment and metastasis” and co-Director, with Robert Singer, of the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center of AECOM, a center dedicated to the development and application of optical imaging technologies. His training is in nuclear physics, optical physics and cell biology. He worked for the US Navy on particle accelerators and wave guides, and was a PhD student of Robert Allen, the developer of video microscope imaging, with whom he learned live cell microscopy and polarized optics. His current research interest is in tumor cell motility, chemotaxis and invasion during metastasis. He has pioneered the use of combined multiphoton imaging with expression analysis to derive gene expression signatures that define the pathways used by tumor cells in mammary tumors to move and invade blood vessels. He discovered the Invasion Signature of breast tumors. He has devised optical microscopes for uncaging, biosensor detection and multiphoton imaging for these studies and has used novel caged-enzymes and biosensors to test, in vivo, the predictions of the invasion signature regarding the mechanisms of tumor cell chemotaxis to EGF. He has authored more than 200 scientific papers on various aspects of cell and cancer biology, and optical imaging. He has held elected office in national societies including President of the New York Society of Experimental Microscopists, 2006-2009 Council of the American Society of Cell Biology, and 2006-2007 Centennial Program Committee of the American Association of Cancer Research. He has served on numerous study sections at NIH and the ACS and as Chairman of the Physiology and Cell Biology Study Section, the Gordon Conference on Motile Systems, and the Board of Scientific Councilors of the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at NIH. He has served on editorial boards of prominent journals including Journal of Cell Biology. His honors include the Allen Foundation Scholar Award, the Hirschl Career Scientist Award, and election as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has served as a consultant to the NCI for planning 3 programs: 1.Tumor Microenvironment, 2.Tumor cell dormancy and 3.Tumor Metastasis.


8:30-9:00 am  Registration – Coffee with Continental Breakfast (2nd Floor)

9:00-9:05  Opening Remarks by Dr. Jeffery Walker Chair, Symposium Committee Professor, Department of Physiology

9:05-9:10         Welcome by Professor George Wilding, Director of UW Comprehensive Cancer Center

Morning Session Chair:      Dr. David Wassarman, Associate Professor of Pharmacology

9:10-9:35         Filamin A-β1 integrin complex regulates myosin-mediated collagen remodeling to tune breast epithelial cell morphogenesis in a 3D matrix (Dr. Scott Gehler, Dr. Patricia Keely)

9:40-10:05       ERRα—Co-Activator GRIP1 Protein-Protein Interaction: A Target For Novel Breast Cancer Therapeutics? (Jennifer A. Lamberski Dr. Richard A. Burgess)

10:10-10:35     Genetic Networks of Liver Metabolism Revealed by Integration of Metabolic and Transcriptional Profiling (Christine T. Ferrara, Dr. Alan Attie )

10:40-11:05     Proteasome Inhibitor Resistant NF-kappaB Activity in Multiple Myeloma (Stephanie Markovina, Dr. Shigeki Miyamoto)

11:05-12:00     Poster Session – Main Lobby

Coffee Break – 2nd Floor

12:00   Key Note Address: Signaling Pathways Defining Metastatic Tumor Cell Behavior In Vivo (Dr. John Condeelis, Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology at the Einstein College of Medicine)

1:00-2:00        LUNCH – Main Floor Dining Room

Session Chair:          Dr. Anna Huttenlocher, Associate Professor, Medical Micro

2:00-2:25         DCR-1 Helicase Mutation Disrupts Endogenous RNAi of Sperm Enriched Genes (Derek Pavelec, Dr. Scott G. Kennedy)

2:30-2:55         Defining Smad protein binding “hot-spots” with mutations, peptide aptamers and small molecule ligands (Michelle M. Bonar, Dr. F Michael Hoffmann)

3:00-3:25         Chronic inflammation during muscle degeneration in zebrafish (Kevin B. Walters, Dr. Anna Huttenlocher)

3:30-3:55         Nucleotide Receptor P2RX7 Mediates AP-1 Protein Expression in Monocytic Cells (Monica Gavala, Dr. Paul J. Bertics)

4:00-4:15         Final Remarks – Dr. Jeff Walker and Dr. Patricia Keely