UW-Madison and UTSW O’Brien Center Trainees Nominated for Leadership Roles within CAIRIBU

Dr. Debra Garvey, UW-Madison Post-doctoral Researcher in Dr. Will Ricke‘s lab, and Alexis Adrian, UW-Madison Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology graduate student in Dr. Will Ricke’s lab, have been appointed as O’Brien Center Representatives to the CAIRIBU Trainee & Early Investigator Community.  In addition, UW/UTSW/U.Mass-Boston O’Brien Center trainees Dr. Debra Garvey (UW, Ricke Lab) and Dr. Diya Binoy Joseph (UTSW, Strand Lab) have been selected as O’Brien Center representatives for the CAIRIBU Early Investigator-Trainee Event Planning Committee.